Showing flow pattern of a working kitchen
Now that the holidays are once again upon us the kitchen is where it’s at. It’s the heart and soul of the home where people gather (like it or not) for great food, conversation, and drink. It’s a place where we find comfort. The intoxicating aroma of freshly baked bread, turkey baking in the oven, and wonderful food wafting through the air makes our mouths water and our bellies grumble.
The supreme test of a well designed kitchen is surviving holiday entertaining. This is when our kitchens are bursting at the seams with activity. The functionality of the space tests us. Is there room to prepare, cook, clean and converse without colliding into a chaotic frenzy? Are we tripping over feet while precariously serving the meal? Is it stressing you out?
If it is then you might want to consider redesigning a more functional kitchen which you can enjoy for years to come. Kitchens come in all sizes, colors, shapes and styles. It’s not the size that matters but how it functions. Assuming that bigger is better is a fallacy. What is better? A terribly designed enormous kitchen? Or, a small kitchen with a great layout?
When designing, it’s important to ask a number of questions such as who is using the kitchen? How many cooks? How tall are the people? Are there any handicaps or limitations? Are you left handed or right handed? How many people are you cooking for? How do you want to use it? Where do you want to put your dishes, your food, pots, cutlery, utensils, trash? What do you love and dislike about your current kitchen? What do you want? What do you need? What is your budget? What is your timeframe? Where will you cook when it is being renovated? These are some of the questions you must think about and prepare to answer.
It’s all in the minute details. Is the faucet handle on the left or the right side? If you are left handed you might want it on the left side of the faucet opposed to the right side. What style window do you want? Most people have casement windows overlooking the yard. You might consider an awning window which opens and closes at the bottom. If one forgets to close a casement window during a rain storm guess what happens? Envision the scenario. Coming home after a long day to find a deluge of water all over your brand new kitchen. That is the last thing you want to deal with.
As an experience designer I understand these scenarios. It’s my job to educate you to make informed decisions. The kitchen is the most expensive room in your home. Designing a well thought out kitchen with a good flow pattern, plenty of storage, counter space, the right appliances and finished materials will make your life easier. Some call it form and function, I call it beauty and brains.
Do you need help in the kitchen? Give us a call today at 603-716-6885 and start turning your frustrations into enjoyable memories.